H ave you ever been in a bar or restaurant having a deeply philosophical discussion on the merits of time travel when you name drop Stephen Hawking and can't seem to remember whether your idol is dead or alive? Well I built a webpage for that, mostly as a side project to improve my front-end skills.

This page is built using Node.js with Handlebars, and a Bootstrap 3 Front-End hosted on a Digital Ocean Droplet running Ubuntu 16.04. It is secured with a Let's Encrypt SSL and has some not so terrific Google Analytics numbers. The page is updated through a private GitHub repository semi-regularly (like very very semi...). The data comes from a combination of manual entry and webscraping (BeautifulSoup)from Wikipedia and IMDB. It's saved to csv and I wrote a couple small Python scripts to auto-generate the HTML for each celeb. Hoping to do some more interesting stats and visuals on celebrity deaths whenever I get around to it (aka Don't Hold Your Breath).

Check it out HERE!

In the meantime, RIP Stephen Hawking...